Boss: (in gravely serious, yet surprisingly adult-a-la-Charlie-Brown voice)
Mwah wah wah wah company policy
wah wah wah wah internet use?
Inside Voice: Would you just get to the point?
Outside Voice: If this is about my blog, I think we should talk about it.
Boss: (pulling out a printed copy of my blog)
Mwah wah wah wah against company policy
wah wah wah and you commented on what I said about you wearing jeans.
Outside Voice: I thought it was funny.
Boss: I don't see what is funny.
Inside Voice: Obviously you have no sense of humor.
Mwah wah wah wah wah I don't see
why you would do this at
Inside Voice: Because I wanted to see if anyone noted me, duh.
Outside Voice: Because I obviously don't care who reads it. You can read it, they can read it, I really don't mind.
Inside Voice: It' know...on the
Boss: Yes, well, you also used profanity.
Mwah wah wah writing you up now
wah wah wah sign this
wah wah.
Inside Voice: Profanity? Do you mean "fuck this job?" (Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job
Fuck this job Fuck this job
Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job
Fuck this job Fuck this job
Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job
Fuck this job Fuck this job
Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job Fuck this job ?)
Outside Voice: I guess this will go in my permanent record.
I had a chance to comment on the piece of paper that I signed that acknowledges that I was a bad, bad monkey, and that any further infractions would definitely be noted and...also filed in my permanent record. I couldn't think of anything to say at the time, but I feel like I should have put something down.
Perhaps "If you really think this is affecting me in any way, you are crazy."
Or "You are reactive and petty and crazy."
Or "I'd say that I can't believe that you spent all this time on this very serious problem when you could have been doing something productive, but I really really can. Because you are crazy."
Or "Free Tibet."
Yes. I think "Free Tibet" would have been appropriate.