Monday, June 23, 2008

Advice from a Y Chromosome

What I really don't get is why he shoots at the starlings. I mean, I understand the groundhogs, as they eat our garden. I don't know that they deserve to die for it, but the starlings definitely don't deserve to die just because they are not an indigenous species and he doesn't like them. It's not their fault they were relocated here.

Marc: There is a certain amount of impotent rage circulating in the male psyche that requires purging through such acts.


I'm the stay-at-home mother of a smart and devious eighteen-month old. I am living in a state of impotent rage for about ninety percent of my day, and I don't shoot things for fun.

Marc: Maybe you should try it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hot Time; Summer in the Burbs

Me: I'm gonna try really hard not to be a total asshole this Summer.
Carl: ...What are you anticipating for the Summer that makes you say that?
Me: My complete and utter frustration and bordom now that school is over and I've got nowhere to be but home. I'm not saying I'll succeed at not being a royal bee-otch, but-
Carl: no, no. I understand. And I really, really appreciate your efforts. I'm going to try to be the best me that I can be too. The very, very best.
Me: You're mocking me.
Carl: No. I'm not. The very best me.

BTW, it's hot here in the East. I don't envy the people who work outside for a living. Or, you know, the ones who are walking through Georgia.

I hope they all have cold beverages on hand.