Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The X/Y Factor
Monday, August 23, 2010
Dear Cuppey-Cake,

You are stubborn like-
irrational like-
utterly confident in your righteousness like-
Some kind of daughter of yours. They like the piano. They like playing it together. It is very sweet.

I suppose that I should say that they are, in these ways, like you-but you are still responsible. Hey, don't look at me, buddy. I'm not the one brazenly shoving a piano into our already over-cluttered home when we might have to move it out again in three weeks because it was free. I shall remind you-we already have three extra (ugly and free) couches in this house. THREE! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
Upon considerable contemplation, I have decided that you are more charming than exasperating in this matter. I will not punish you, as I originally planned, by learning to play

Ahem. Like I said. Charming. I have decided to rule this one "charming." I have actually decided that I like the piano, and you may just be insane.
However. I do require your assistance in putting back all of the stuff that you moved out of the way to make room for the piano. I am pregnant, so I shouldn't really be moving stuff. I'll learn how to play the score of Oliver and some choice Disney tunes while you do that, k?
Love you!
Mean it!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Suck My Fat Pants.
It might not be so bad for them. Maybe I will have a boy, and fifteen years from now, front-butt and pancake ass pants will be teh coolness. (Like the front-pleated dockers from the 80's that I recently made Carl get rid of. They were sexy, once? Right?)
I find this possibility just as likely as the tight girl-jeans with bunched up briefs hanging out the top combo sported by the emo set. By the way, I think I have figured this whole trend out:
Dad of Teenage Girl: This little wiener with the girl bangs and the nose piercing cannot possibly be sticking it to my daughter. He can barely walk in those jeans, and his junk has probably suffocated in there and died. That's probably why he's so depressed. I will let him live another day.
Emo Boy: HaHA! I have appeared nonthreatening before you for yet another day! Now to go cry in front of your daughter so she will let me touch her boobies.

Flawless plan, Emo Boys. Unless you stumble upon a dad who has foggy memories of men wearing spandex and lots of product who managed to score really big with the ladies, oh, say, twenty five years ago.

My point is this. I am fat with baby and pants don't fit me. Someone has to pay. I don't care if it seems totally irrational and unreasonable; my kids have ridiculous pants in their future. They can blame it on a glitch in the meds that I will undoubtedly be taking by then.
I hear that Carl was forced into leiderhosen when he was a kid....I feel closer to his mom right now then I ever have.
Friday, August 06, 2010
How to be Charmed by Your Overbearing Overlord
Wendy: Make my animals a nest.
Me: *piles up the stuffies around her in a comfy nest of teddy bear love* Okay, I made your nest. Now will you try to sleep?
Wendy: I have a secret.
Me: What is it?
Wendy: Come closer.
Me: Okay...
Wendy: (whispering) I don't make deals with whiny peasants.
(Must discontinue daily viewings of Emperor's New Groove.)
Thursday, August 05, 2010

My sister and I are both pregnant, both irritable, and both of us have a lot of stuff on our minds right now. This adds up to an atmosphere that requires many theraputic episodes of True Blood and root beer floats.
Plus, Wendy and Eddie are treating Jaimie and I to front-row seats on a preview of the rest of our lives with more than one kid. Holy. Crap. We are so screwed.
It's not all bad, really. In between the screeching of little voices arguing and the pitter-pounding of little feet hammering down the hallways and the daily exploding of our brains, there is sweetness.
Eddie, padding by as I made dinner:
"Wendy, darlin, where are you? Where aaare you sweetie? Where are you, my little sweet-potato?"
Wendy, on family:
"Eddie is my favorite cousin who is a boy. He is in my heart, so he is in my family. I love having a family to play with, don't you?"

Eddie: Um. Aunt Momo? Wendy startled me and made me pee on the door.
and this:
Wendy: Can you back up a bit, here? You are kind of all up in my grill.
So we are all up in each other's grill. I'm cool with it. Wendy and Eddie take hits off of each other's Danimals yogurt smoothies while Jaimie and I pass the pickle juice and are generally gross about our feelings and random desire for odd food.
Even with the added chaos, it beats sitting around doing all of that by yourself, I'll tellyouwhat.
Monday, August 02, 2010
No Reason to go Peeing in a Cup...
Last time around, I pretty much kept up my normal pace of everything. I worked, I cooked a lot, I moved furniture. This time, he is more likely to come home and find me flopped out on the couch than hauling mattresses around the second floor. This time around, I can't just take a nap whenever I want, because, HI! I'm Wendy! I'm thirsty! Hungry! Emotional! Demand games of Candyland! So yeah, I'm a little more exhausted by the time he rolls in from work.
On the flip side, I'm a lot less focused on every tiny twinge and stretch that my body makes. I have actually had more of the crappier prego symptoms this time, but I'm far less likely to run to that shitty "What to Expect" book that reads pretty much like this:
Chapter 1: Stuff You Should Only Do if You Hate Your Baby
Chapter 2: Ways You Can Both Die
Chapter 3: Eat According to This Chart Unless You Are Just a Terrible Person and Suck at Life
Chapter 4: Giving Birth
Chapter 5: You Probably Will Not Be a Good Mother, Because There is SO Much You Can Fuck Up
No reading this book obsessively before bed and giving myself nightmares this time. No sirree. There are a few things that I can't get out of enduring a second time around, though.
Because I am unemployed and our resources are limited, I have again turned to state medical assistance. I'm fine with this, and the medical care that I am receiving. Some information for those of you who are not unmarried hos on government welfare insurance: pregnant women are routinely subject to manditory drug screenings and forced sit-downs with nutritionists. They ask you in somewhat hushed tones (with what I am sure they believe to be sensitivity) whether the father is "in the picture?"
I deal with in in good humor. Especially when something like this flyer lands in my lap:
If you find it in poor taste to post this on my blog, you will probably not want to know how I burst out in hysterical laughter when the woman handed this one to me. This probably caused her to wonder if I was in fact on the crack, and to be glad that my pee was on its way to a lab somewhere...