NPR: ...which is why a conversation about being gay, say, when I was 12 or so, might have been a positive thing...
Wendy: Whats gay?
Mo: Gay is when women love other women or men love other men. Like how Mommy and Daddy love each other. With grown up kisses and hugs.
Wendy: Well thats gross. But in a nice way. Could there be two Mommies, then?
Mo: yes, sometimes. Sometimes two ladies or two guys will get married, even.
Wendy: But what if they change thier minds?
Mo: Well, people dont usually change thier minds about being gay.
Wendy: *scoff* No Mom. I mean about getting married.
Mo: Oh. Um. Well then they get divorced. Like unmarried.
Wendy: Well, maybe I will marry a girl and a boy. So that way, there can be two mommies and I dont have to get divorced. That would be nice.
...What if you and Daddy get divorced?
Mo: we cant get divorced, because we're not married.
Wendy: Oh. Well thats nice. Its nice when your mom and dad aren't divorced.
Mo: *proud that I have thusfar avoided a world that combines divorce and my children* Yes. Yes it is.