Thursday, June 23, 2005

...or there might be a tornado. Or a plague!

Bethany: I don’t suppose you would be interested in vacuuming the second floor? It really needs to be done before it gets hot again.

Me: …because the heat will really bake the dirt in?

Bethany: Nooo, I just won’t be able to stand the heat up there for more than five minutes, is all. Vacuuming will be right off the list.

Me: I love how you relate the possibility of cleaning to geological movement and large-scale weather patterns.


Me: "Once monsoon season hits, cleaning the basement will be totally out of the question."

Bethany: Look, a butterfly might be flapping its wings in Japan right now!


  1. i love how Bethany starts things with "I don't suppose you would be interested in ...", and from that point on become incoherent and turn into a request of some kind.

  2. yeah. It's her passive aggressive way of asking me to do something. She refuses to accept that I will never actually be interested in vacuuming or doing the dishes. I just won't.

  3. Who ever is interested in cleaning?

    Not this guy. That's for certain.

  4. filter, schmilter. I'll filter you!! YEAH!! I'LL FILTER YOU A NEW ONE!!! THAT'S WHAT YOU SHOULD BE SAYING!!

    OK, the caps lock got away from me there. Sorry. Go about your bidness now.
